Endometriosis and laparoscopy


I am heartbroken. I got pregnant Feb. 2016, but it was ectopic and during the untrasound they discovered two cysts, one on each ovary. I had emergency laparoscopy to remove the ectopic and the cysts. I waited for the six months asked by the dr., and just had an HSG procedure on Thursday. The procedure revealed another cyst and that both of my tubes were completely blocked. I was referred to a specialist. After talking with the nurse of the fertility doctor, she believes I have endometriosis. I will have my first appointment Oct 24th (after 5 more weeks of waiting) for an actual diagnosis.

Has anyone here ever been diagnosed with endometriosis afternoon then been able to get pregnant? Or had blocked tubes and had them unblocked by surgery or meds? I know that my journey to motherhood is far from finished, and the waiting between appointments is so hard. I just want some answers...