i really regret marriage

I got married to my husband about 6months ago. We fought a lot after we got married. He's a soft guy and I thought that would be good for me but turned out he has a lot of insecurities and has serious confidence issues. 
When he struggles at work he gets all passive aggressive and says he has to work out at gym to de-stress and gets home at 11pm after gym. 
I work a very demanding job as well and I make just as much or more money than he does. I need to sleep but if he gets home so late, I can't really sleep. 
He has dinner then and then has to eat chips and watch TV for at least an hour before he gets ready for bed because he's stressed. And he ends up sleeping 4-5 hrs and says he's so stressed...
We live in a one bedder so I find it difficult to sleep when he does that. One night i got so angry and told him to quit gym because it was affecting us so much. He keeps saying it's his only way to de-stress. We got so heated up in our argument and started yelling and the police came knocking on the door. 
And he takes so long to do things that if he gyms, he usually gets home at like 10 or 11 and he has to also de-stress for about 2 hrs watching TV and finish 2 packets of chips. 
I am so unhappy in this marriage. 
When he is stressed at work he hates doing any chores. 
I don't like chores either but i do it because it has to be done. But he does heaps when he feels like it. But 90% of the time he's unhappy because he is struggling at work or he feels I am disrespecting him. 
I am starting to hate him and he resents me because he feels i scold him. 
He's been compared a lot to his more successful brother a lot by his parents and he feels ppl "scold him" or "tell him off" when they criticise him or give a negative feedback. 
I don't want to get divorced but I hate him and the marriage so much. I do have a soft spot for him and i do like him at times but I am starting to resent him. 
He also blamed my work so much for all the troubles in our marriage and told me to quit but he is on a contract role and he has no idea how we are going to survive if I quit and his contract ends and we are both unemployed!! 
He says you cant have everything perfectly planned. Things do happen. I am like... you want me to quit my permanent role and expect something miraculous to happen when his contract ends? 
I stayed at my parents' place for two nights and I am so happy that i didnt see him the two nights...