I'm always experiencing anxiety

Good morning ladies ☺️ I'm not sure how many of you also experience this, but I have generalized anxiety with some social anxiety and depression. Many years ago I was not taking medication to help stabilize my moods but I absolutely hated the feeling and instead of stabilizing my moods, it COMPLETELY altered my personality and turned me into a tired zombie. For the last few years I've turned to natural, holistic healing to help me overcome my anxiety and depression. 
It helps but isn't fool proof. There's lots of days where I feel disconnected from the world, people and things going on around me. Sometimes I'll be in a social setting and once everybody is gone, I'll replay in my mind over and over what I was like around those people and upset myself. I negatively judge myself and get worked up thinking about how those people I was just with think of me now. I'm always thinking these people think I'm disgusting and an undeserving woman to my man. I have no idea what causes me to think this way and so negatively. I get hung up on these thoughts for days after I've seen somebody. It gets to the point where I psychically make myself sick thinking about all of this.
My mind has been torturing bf lately. I can no longer just shut off my thoughts 😕 I hardly even know how to explain and write down how I'm feeling. Sorry if my post doesn't make much sense, thank you for reading.