bleeding ...

This morning when i wipe after i pee, there was a big snog of blood. I look into the toilet, blood everywhere. But i have no pain, just slight cramping but nothing much. Immediately call the doc, went to the doc office 3 hrs later. During that 3 hrs, went to pee twice, wiped and there was no blood. I didnt have to put a pad on cause there was no blood coming out or dripping out. Got to the doc, did an examination n she said there was a lot of blood. Seems like a miscarriage. But she wanted to also take blood test to check on my hcg level ... Here i am at home .. Wishing and hoping i will find out the result sooner so this emotional pain can just go away ... Anyone else have this happened to them and end up giving birth to a healthy baby ??? I just need some positive miracles to reassured myself ...