Natural vaginal birth with no induction vs induction

What's some experiences? My first was completely induced and I didn't dilate on my own but for two weeks before I stayed at 1cm. So at 38 weeks I finally dilated. By her due date I was 2cm that morning and was still able to be induced. The doctor said my progression on my own could cause me to go over due date have major issues due to her already being small and cleared a week before my due date for proportion issues. It was a scary experience but I'll admit I was great when it all started til the pitocin took over & then contractions became unbearable. I went up to 5 & 1/2 cm before I asked for an epidural and such but it was no walk in the park. I didn't get to actually go through all the natural phases on my own! I wish I could have but I was happy with an induced labor. Has anyone experienced both? An all natural of the water breaking and such and then the steps verses having an induction?