I had my beautiful little girl 9


I had my beautiful little girl 9.21.16

I woke up and my underwear was soaked so immediately I got showered made sure we had everything for my l/o and s/o called the Dr office to make sure what to do and got told to head to labor and delivery to get checked to see if it was fluid leaking. Called my father in law and he took myself and l/o to the hospital and hung out till my mom and s/o could make it from work at about 11am. Turned out to be my water for sure got admitted didn't progress was a 2 so pitocin was issued and I ended up getting my epidural at a 3 then they checked me a couple hours and was at an 8! Then surely after started to push and was done pushing after 20 min allot faster this time than with my first. I love her very much already and she is perfect and healthy as can be ❤