They are here!!!

My perfect trio is here! Chloe, Camden and Ainsley born at 4:14pm, 4:15pm and 4:16pm at 32 weeks 3 days on September 18th. I went in for an untrasound and bp check and it was slightly elevated. They checked my 24 hour urine results from a few days earlier and decided to admit me for observation. I was one point away from having eclampsia. The doctor came in and explained that preeclampsia is progressive and I'd be having the babies within the next few days. They took blood and my SO and I called people to let them know, I talked my my mom who was going to watch my 8 year old during all this. My SO went to the car a little later and when he came back everyone was suited up and they were running me back to the OR! My bloodwork had come back and my liver enzymes (30s is high normal) were well over 100. 
My three sweets entered the world screaming which was music to our ears. Chloe who was 3lbs 9oz has only a feeding tube and needs help regulating her temperature. Camden the biggest at 4lbs 1oz was in c-pap for the first two days at 6%. He is now off of that and doing great. Ainsley the peanut of the group weighing in at 3lbs 5oz was also on c-pap 4% for a few days but is now off. They are all on room air and besides having a few instances of infant apnea (which they said is normal for premies) they are doing amazingly well. I really think the steroids helped their lung development and that's why they are doing so well 💜💙💜