horrible work

Seriously my job anymore has been horrible. Mostly due to the one boss who's a complete fucking prick all the time. I'm just the extra assistant really. I work daily but if it's not busy that it's pointless for me to be there I stay home. (It's small it's fine If I do) Today was one of those days. Until I got this message. I don't even want to go in because I know he's going to treat me like complete dog shit like he always does because I wasn't there this morning and him just being pissy in general. This isn't anything new, but he can get worse. He feeds off doing everything he can to make you cry, so when you do he like "owns" you he thinks. He puts you down more than if you were already 6ft under. I've had bad jobs and bosses, but This has been by far the worst. He's a horrible person for no reason. 
 'm currently looking for another job, but I wish someone would just call today and hire me because I'm about to get up and walk out of that place in the middle of work someday soon because I cannot take it. It pays me good, and it's only 3 1/2 days, and I get the day off that I wanted, but it's not even worth it anymore. I dread it, I come home and cry because I hate it, This past week has been the worst. I've stuck through it for a while but now I don't think I can do it anymore. I've never been so stressed in my life. I'm trying to go back to school, I work another job on the weekends, we are ttc so the stress of this job is making that harder. And I'm scared if I do get pregnant that job will stress me out so much something will happen. This is first month ttc and yesterday was ovulation day so I'm really hoping it works for us. But I cannot deal with the stress of this just as I had said. I cannot afford to just walk out right now, but I'm an inch away from doing so. 😪