Plan B Period???

So about 3 weeks ago I took a Plan B because I was worried that our primary form of birth control might have failed. About a week later I got a pretty heavy bleeding (I had had my period about 4 or 5 days before I took plan b). Yesterday morning I got my period again (this one is around a month since the period before plan b). Today I woke up and there's almost no blood. I know it's not implantational pregnancy bleeding because yesterday's blood was all day and thick and red like it normally is on my period. But today there's nothing there! Is this because the period I got right after plan b got rid of most of my uterine lining and this period only had a little to shed? Is it because of the hormones? Do y'all think my next period will be on time and normal or will the plan b hormones still be making my schedule whacky?