Miscarrying Naturally

I knew something was wrong when the baby measured a week behind and had a very slow heart rate last week. I tried to stay positive and hopeful. On Monday while out of town, I started bleeding and cramping. My worries grew. I had an ounce of hope left but was expecting the worse. I came back into town last night and had an ultrasound this morning. I should have been 8w2dish. Unfortunately, the baby stopped growing last week 😭 I was told I should miscarry naturally. One of the nurses drew some blood to check my hormone levels. I go back in a few days to check my hormone levels again. I have never felt so heartbroken before. I've experienced losses in the past, but this one feels different. My husband and I had been trying for over 2 1/2 years. I had to undergo two surgeries. This was supposed to be MY rainbow baby, and my husband and my first baby together (we both have an 8 year old kids from previous relationships). 
I hope that it won't take long to finish miscarrying. For those of you, who miscarried naturally, how long did it take and how did you know?