School stress: burn-out????

Hey girls,
I've been having some trouble. 
I'm Dutch and we have a school system that goes from vmbo to havo to vwo to gymnasium.
vmbo is sort of the easier sort, havo is harder and vwo is the highest. gymnasium is what I'm doing and it's the same as vwo but then with latin and greek. 
But I've been having trouble with maths. It's causing so much stress because I just can't understand it. I've gotten a tutor, I ask my teacher so much questions irl and via mail, I ask my sisters, my father and my classmates and it still won't work. I've also gotten extra math homework classes aim which you can ask questions if needed.
This has literally come to the point where I'm almost having a burn-out and I don't like this. Every morning I get up with a lot of effort and this takes in a lot of time. At school, I'm so tired and emotional (I don't even know why, and yes, I get enough sleep (8 to 9 hours)). I don't know why I get emotional, but the tears always find a way to well up in my eyes at school and when I come home from school. 
My mentor said I could choose a profile (which decides what kind of study you can do) and he said I could either take one where maths isn't that important (but I won't be able to reach my goal (to become a surgeon) and I wouldn't like what I could become). Or I could go to havo but still can't chase after my dreams. Or work hard (and maybe work myself into a burn-out). I will eat over this somehow but I don't know what to do. I want to become a surgeon so badly and I can't bare to let go of my dreams. Please give me advice.