Grandma mood swings

My mom keeps having mood swings and is really passive aggressive. She has attitude.

She offered to watch the baby but she had attitude about it, I said if you are busy I can watch she says no. Literally waited 15 minutes for me to pass her the baby spoon, I do everything with one hand and I got everything ready the high chair etc. Honestly she was being a brat.

Like if it's something you don't want to do don't do it, she puts everyone in a shity mood.

How can someone go from being nice to evil bitch.

I took over, but honestly if you are in a bad mood don't take it out

I remember my ex boyfriend was fired for selling using drugs outside of the building. He told me that he was fired because he would drop me off and he was late. Liar. He was teaching me how to drive after he was fired he said it was okay to teach me but he wasn't he was shitty he grabbed my head and slammed it against the car door.

I blame myself for it. Later found out why he was fired.

Well there are people who hurt you, they make you feel guilty even though they are wrong.

What can I do

So people don't take advantage of me being nice? How do you handle aggressive people