Looking for some support.

This pregnancy so far has been, I wouldn't say awful, but I'm having a hard time enjoying it. My husband and I fight a lot. He works third shift so he sleeps most of the day, which I understand, but then he only gets to see our son for maybe an hour or so a day. We agreed upon a time for him to get up so he could spend time with us, that allows him to get 7 straight hours of sleep. He always goes over, and says "he didn't hear his alarm", or he "doesn't remember" me coming to wake him up 5 times. I really need the help with our son. He's 13 months so I'm constantly picking him up all day, and it's starting to hurt my lower abdomen, and back. On top of that, I get the normal pregnancy headaches often that are awful. I just need help from him some days, and he just doesn't get it. I can't keep overworking myself because it will affect this baby. 
Our bathroom is completely under construction, so he and I have to shower at other places, and ds is still little enough to bath in our oversized sink. I go to my grandmas, and he goes to his parents to shower. Almost daily now he will leave at 7, 8 pm to go shower, and stay there when he doesn't have to be at work until 11. (Work is 10-15 minutes away). So not only is our son rarely seeing him, so am I. There is no intimacy at all. I feel so lonely. He also NEVER asks about this baby, when he did with our first. 
I don't know what to do. I just want a break, and I want him to be around our and I. I don't think I'm asking for much. I do everything else around the house. I'm starting to get depressed. I don't want to be in a marriage that has no love, and no mutual respect.