Another baby

My boyfriend and I had our first child 3 months ago. Ever since I had the baby his controlling issues have gotten waaaaay worse than what they were. He talks badly about me and my family to the baby. Since I found out I was pregnant I promised myself I would never talk badly about any of the family members to my baby. Well the issue is would if i were to break it off with my boyfriend would it be wrong to get pregnant first so I could have another one of his babies?

So I don't seem like a terrible person I have tried to make our relationship work for over a year but he refuses to acknowledge that its his fault the relationship is falling apart. And we made a super adorable baby and I'd like to have another one just as cute.

And another thing i am not in any way after any of his money and I already figured out how to split custody although I know he'll disagree and take me to court