A ectopic bomb

My battle has been lost. The grief the darkness as the doctors came to rush for me. The anxiety that came and lefted as the I tried to remain calm but the streams began to run and the rivers became lake a flooded my snowing white mountain top hospital pillows. I waited over 6hours in a waiting room crying in agongy from the war my body was still trying to fight already after a 16 hour coyldbt move or sleep. I couldn't moved sometime the pain was so unbearable the sound wouldn't escape to for me to hollered out the pain I was feeling . I look like a woman probably going through an exorist in the wheel chair in the middle of the waiting room floor as the pain rose and the rose to another level. I was hungry, tired and in much pain. I was even asked to get out of my wheel chair so that someone could use it. The nurse who asked was only doing her job after everyone else refuse. So I told her if you can get me a bed I will gladly give u this wheel chair. She look at me crazy as I did her both looking at each other in a sense of disbelief that I said that as I couldn't believe she asked me. She then tried to switch me in a regular chair the pain was unbearable. She hurried off. By the time I sat down she was coming back. Yes thank heaven she was coming back. She said your not my patient but I couldn't leave you there. Oh thank you my guardian angel. She got me a team real quick. And figure this it was a team if handsome doctors so I'm now stuck in a room of men including my handsome fiancée and my son. Just something to take the pain off for a minute a distraction from the real battle plan. They drug me for the pain and did what doctors do run test blood, urine ultrasound. Ultrasound ultrasound how I hate the lady that did my ultrasound not really I don't know her but oh the pain she cause me. I said hey your the same woman who did my ultrasound a week ago. She said yes you look familiar. She began her picture taking again more than ever so I knew she found something this time. She lefted and the doctor came in with the bomb. Ms. Falls you have a ectopic pregnancy that means the baby is in your fallopian tube and we can do this two ways we can do surgery or give u a shot and send you home. We have called your ObGyn who is on his way to go over the procedure and what's best. Were glad your here but it doesn't look good one wrong move or another night could have killed you. You would of thought I would be grateful, but I wasn't the only thing I could think of is my baby how far along am i. What about my tube?? Will this decrease my chances of having a baby?? My fiancée only was worried about me he kept trying to comfort me and I just wanted to know how he felt about it. But no answer he just kept repeating get some rest and we can have another one. Oh how soft and cold was my heart. I waited finally my famous doctor showed up and I love him. He went over each procedure and went what he thought was best for my age, my health and for us to try again which he would help. He says don't worry you can try into 4-6 weeks which made us both smile. He said I'm going to get the operating room set up and then we will have u transfered. I was transferred and the procedure was done they said the baby was bigger and I was more far along then we thought. He sad the woman doing the ultrasound could have killed me. I am thankful but I still feel empty ,sad, and confuse. Thanks for all reading this.