Over due and ready!

jay • Mother to a kinder preggo with #2!

I was pushing 42 weeks, and a possible induction for Tuesday. It was Saturday night we went to bed around 9pm. I woke up to a small gush, and started feeling around for a towel or something. Then another gush when I decided to dash for the loo! My waters broke and contractions were still early. I put a pad on and decided to get rest. Around 4am they were getting consistent and standing was what felt good so I got up, got hubby up and we waited a few more hours.

I had planned a home birth, but moved a few weeks earlier and there are no midwives here. So I planned an unassisted birth, as long as hubby and I were comfortable. Well after a particularly strong contraction I saw my husband turn and he was tearing up. I asked him to get us loaded up and head to the hospital. He was a mess! We got there i was in active labor. Every 1 to 2 min apart. I got to the room and was in and out of the shower for the next hour. Then the doctor came in and I started transitioning. Holy mother of god was it insane. Back to back begging for drugs insane. They kept trying to get me in my back but it was almost impossible when I started to push. The doctor was yelling at me to get in bed, I'm so out of it I can't do anything but push. Finally they convinced me to the bed on my side. A mere 6 pushes, and Abe was born. It was hard transition I swear was going to kill me! But I birthed my beautiful 9 pound 5.6 oz baby Sunday morning. It was crazy, but I'd do it all over.

I am my contraction. They can not be more than I can bear.