morning sickness anyone?

Hey guys 7 weeks pregnant here and I feel like I am dying with this morning sickness. Anyone else feeling this? Should I go to the ER or am I just over reacting? I've had morning sickness since last week and I feel each sa it progressively gets worse and worse. Today day 7 of morning sickness I managed to not throw up 3 bites of banana and 10 saltines I fought really hard to not throw up dicglegis and succeded once! I have absolutely terribly burning inferno in my esophagus which is probably heartburn I took so heartburn chews and oh god I felt like I was swallowing disinfectant it burns soooo bad and only made it 10x worse. I've lost 5 pounds and because I had a misscarriage before I don't want to tell anyone yet about my pregnancy but God I feel so alone right now. Hubby is always working since I can't and I just feel I have nobody to talk to. Not sure If that's just how morning sickness is or am I blowing this way out of proportion because of anxiety and depressed. Any thoughts?