Went in for week 40 checkup and my blood pressure was high again it had been trending high since wee...

Carlee • Blessed with our first baby whom we are so excited to meet💘👶🏼
Went in for week 40 checkup and my blood pressure was high again it had been trending high since week 38, so the doc wanted to induce labor due to me being 3 days past my scheduled due date. Since baby hadn't dropped I asked her what my chances were I'd go through labor pains for 36 hours and end up having to get an emergency c section, and she said my chances of that were actually high she told me 50%. My husband and I were devestated with this news. So we made a list of pros and cons and the cons of induction weighed out the pros. We then decided to opt for and electoral c section. 6 hours later they gave me a spinal tap and my beautiful baby girl was here in less than 45 minutes. I now will have a longer recovery time because of major abdominal surgery, but my baby girl is here and she came without any stress on her because it was such a quick and easy delivery. After some research on the whole induction thing I found it was pretty common (more than what the nurses want to say) to end up not progressing with dilation, or progressing very slowly after 1-2 days and ending up having an emergency c section after all that. Due to them breaking the water the baby must be out before 36 hours it then becomes dangerous for the baby to be in the womb without amniotic fluid to protect it and an emergency cesarian is the only option at that point. And at that point it's been a terrible experience. They rush you into the OR without daddy and cut you from hip to hip, then your healing time is a lot longer due to the way larger incision vs. a secluded c section it's pretty painful afterwards, BUT baby comes with no extra stress and daddy gets to sit by your side the entire time. I'd do the same all over again for the safety of my baby. I love my daughter so much!