horny all day today 😭

Okay yes I have sex with my boyfriend but I've never played with myself because I didn't know how ... Well I bought this mini vibrator for my clit and OMG it's fucking amazing 😍 anyways I've been using it 4 times now and I can't stop 🙈 I woke up horny today like alllll day today and yes I had sex wth my boyfriend but it was less than 5 mins because we didn't have a condom and he got to finish and I didn't but I've been so clingy and emotional and horny today and he wasn't helping at all 😒 I just played with myself like about 10mins ago and I called him because I wanna dirty talk but he was out with his friends and didn't really care ! We've been together for 2 years 5 months ! When he's horny I give him attention but I think since I got this new toy that can actually make my cum I think he's jealous lol