Marathon and Love

D • Pregnant with our first. Terrified and excited. Due Sept 2016.

At 41 weeks I was still hearing people tell me I was tiny for how far along I was. At eight days overdue, my doc advised we try cervidal (a prostaglandin meant to ripen the cervix). She said that it often takes more than one attempt to get things going and often ends in an oxytocin drip.

At 9:30am th cervidal was inserted. I was told to come back in twelve hours to hsv it removed. After about eight hours hours started having pain in my thighs and lower abdomen. It didn't seem to have a pattern to it though it got progressively worse. I took supper to my husband in the field, had had bath, took him tools, had another bath (I think?) and then got incredibly restless. I tried reading but had to shift positions often to deal with th pain. 11h after the cervidal the pain was almost unbearable. I drove myself to the hospital to have it removed. Of course they had to do a non stress test when I couldn't sit still. The nurses didn't think I was far along since I couldn't decisively say they were contractions. Turns out, I was 5-6cm dilated! They moved me to labour and delivery and I texted my husband.

In the birthing room, I immediately had a shower. It provided some relief but it wasn't long before I had an incredible need to push. I'd liken it to the cramps that come with explosive diarrhea, but that doesn't sound maybe I shouldn't.

The nurse asked one hundred questions and by now I could feel breaks between contractions an had a hard time doing anything but breathing through them.

My husband showed up and we jumped in the shower again (him in his swimming trunks). We weren't in there long when the nurse told me she wanted to check me. I think she was driven by a change in my vocalizations and that previous need to push.

She checked me and calmly said she was going to call the doc. I knew what that meant. The doctor checked and said I was 9-10cm! What!

"You can push now if you want."

For the first time I was nervous. I waited for one more contraction to pass then the marathon started.

1.5h of pushing ("push to your behind!" "let it build now push, push, push!"), one catheter and no painkillers later, our 9lb3oz angel was in my arms rooting around. So much for being small!

I hemorrhaged after and was put on an oxytocin drip for the rest of the night. A small sidewall tear and small first degree were both quickly and confidently stitched up and we were sent to what would be our room for the next 17h. Then, home, and in love.