best friend??

Izzy • Love my horse, trying to get in shape again, taking life a day at a time 🤙🏻
My best friend gives me so much shit for taking to this 21 year old guy. (I'm 17, I'll be 18 in January). Whenever I bring him up she gets so mad at me. So the story on him: we matched on tinder, talked and snapchatted for a while then it died out. Then a few weeks later (if that long) I went to a bar to grab a pizza and a band was setting up so I stayed and it happened to be his band! So we started talking again and went on a date a week or two later and I plan on seeing him (in public still again) this weekend. I get that he's older but once I'm 18 I seriously don't think it's a big thing. Plus we're talking, not fucking. Please help me, idk what to do