Empty 2nd Sac

Marisa Jo
I went to the emergency room at 6 weeks and 2 days due to some very very light spotting. (No pain at all) When the er doctor did an ultrasound there was most definitely a second sac. Because of this he sent me to the imaging floor to get a more "official" ultrasound. Being that this is my 4th baby, I'm pretty good at looking at the sonograms. The screen was turned so I couldn't see it and when I asked her if she could turn it so I could watch too, she said no. 😒 Luckily I had a friend with me who kept an eye on the screen and she confirmed that there were two sacs. The woman also confirmed but stated that the second sac was empty and brushed it off without any concern or even trying to look into it. After some research, I found that with fraternal twins, it is possible that one can develop as far as 2 weeks behind the other causing a situation like this to occur and then at a later sonogram a baby would be visible. I also found what is called a "vanishing twin" and it's possible that nothing will develop at all. I'm so anxious over it now and want to know if I'm carrying twins! I'm also getting super excited at the idea and am getting nervous to be extremely let down in finding that it's nothing. Has anybody else had this happen? And what was the result?
Oh and I am already starting to show at not even 7 weeks.
Thanks in advance!! :)