Can someone please help me??

I posted about this earlier but no one responded and maybe this is more of a vent than anything else...but I feel really alone right now and need some comments. My husband is not really a good person to talk to about this stuff and I don't wanna talk to anyone else because literally all my friends and family are tired of hearing me talk about getting pregnant and just laugh at me whenever I bring it up. 
But as many of you know, I miscarried in June, since then I have had two periods but my last cycle was so. It normal for me, and this month I have gone from EWCM to creamy to dry to vvvlight spotting every few days. I don't EVER spot and I don't know how to track any sort of fertility with my CM being all over the place for the last few weeks. I don't know what to do and I'm scared my body isn't on track due to my miscarriage and I I said, feel alone. 😥 I really could just use some gals who know what this is like.