My litle man is here

Latoya • Excited and nervous pg with my son and a mother of an 8 year old daughter
Well my due date was Oct 15 but I was scheduled for a csection on Oct 10. Friday I went about my day I was relaxing at home ate lunch and got things ready for my daughters soccer game that night (9). Went to the game did some yelling and cheering final score 8-2 we won. We headed home got her in the shower and took mine. We laid in my bed and talked and watched TV. She fell asleep and I was having some pain so I took Tylenol pm to help me sleep. Contractions started about 12:00 they were lasting about 50 seconds and coming every 20mins. So I downloaded an all to help me track them. They quickly started changing they were getting stronger and coming faster next thing I knew they were 5 mins apart by 3:30. Horrible pain but I bared with it. So we get ready to head to the er and I'm throwing on sweats and bam my water breaks a gush on the floor...and I'm freaking bc it's hardwood (ya I know sad). Finally end up at the er and they take me to L&d my contractions are getting stronger and closer together. They check me I'm 80% effaced and 3cm. Mind you I never had contractions with my daughter I had an emergency csection so I didn't know what to expect. Anyways at 7 they wheel me into the or room do the spinal ( which didn't hurt at all just a quick pinch) and at 7:29 am on 9/24/16 I heard the first cry of my sob Kaiden Desean Perez.