my birth story 40+3 my lil girl Amelia Annie Gregory

I went to the hospital @ 9:30pm Saturday the 17th September with reduce movements and pains the midwife put me on a monitor to track heart rate and contractions and movements well everything was fine so she said she'll get the doctor to discharge me with pain killers when she came back the monitor was beeping an alarm and the heart rate dropped from 145 to 44 and no movements and still having strong contractions so she pushed the emergency button and 7 people came running in by then I was terrified that something was seriously wrong they popped my waters and put me on salt fluid to raise her heart rate my contractions were coming more and more they had to scrape her head while she was still inside twice to check her oxygen levels which were fine and they monitored her heart rate by putting a clip on her head as dropped again they was gunna take me for a c section and by 03:00am Sunday 18th September I started feeling pressure anyway 17 mins of pushing she was born but no cries or breathing and she was blue her cord wrapped round her neck twice about twenty minute later a good rub and abit of oxygen later she was fine and perfect I was so scared that if lost my lil princess but no today she is one week old and she's picture perfect and I did all this on gas and air and she weighed 8lb 6oz Amelia Annie,  I'm so in love with her can't believe she's here