The Twins are Here!! Due date 10/4, Born 9/11

My c-sections was scheduled for the 13th at exactly 37 weeks, but that didn't happen. I went to the ER on 9/11 after having consistently high blood pressure reading at home. They hooked me up to the machines to monitor the babies. I was informed that I was having severe contractions every 90 seconds. When they checked my cervix I was 6 cm dilated and 100% effaced.  I felt a little pressure at times, but I had no idea I was contracting. One of the twins was breech, so my doctor and I decided to do a c-section. I'm so happy. Baby Girl was 4lbs 12oz and Baby boy was 5lbs 1oz. They were both healthy and got to go home with me. I'm so thankful for them.