Today was one of the hardest days of my life 😭 so, Thursday evening, we went to the birth center and...

Today was one of the hardest days of my life 😭 so, Thursday evening, we went to the birth center and we had an NST done. (Monitored the babies HR) and she was stressed out. Turns out I was dehydrated and needed fluids and then I was fine. Friday, my midwife had me come
back to listen to her heart rate again and everything was fine. That's when we decided that trying the castor oil would be a good idea. Not a lot, just a tiny bit in a milkshake. I started having small contractions after having it and went to Ikea to walk. My contractions picked up and I went to the birth center and labored until about 230 am until they stopped and sent us home. 330 rolls around and my contractions start HARD. They're lasting for 45seconds to a minute and coming every 4 minutes, then 3, then 2.5 then 1.5. Back to the birth center we go. I labor for awhile and get checked, my cervix is much softer so we try another dose of castor oil because my contractions eventually stop again. :/ this time I start laboring really well and call my doula! Things are happening! I labor all morning and afternoon until about 4 pm. We broke my water around 11 am because I had thinned enough and my water bags were bulging, my midwives thought this would let Harper's head come down and push on my cervix and help me complete dilation. 
At this point, I haven't slept in nearly 2 days. With contractions being so sporadic, my body is exhausted and the contractions are coming HARD and intense. Every time I have one, I am falling asleep. We check me again thinking I'm going to be complete and can push, but it turns out I haven't made any progress at all :/ I tell my midwives I want to transfer to the hospital to get an epidural so I can get some rest. They agree that they think this is the best decision. They transferred me and came with me to make sure I was taken care of and waited for the doctor to come see me and tell us her plan for me. Turns out she works with my old OB as well :) I get my epidural through 2-3 big contractions and have to stay SO still and just breathe through them. They check me around 5 and tell me I am about 6-7cm.  I finally get some rest and around 7 I get my pitocin. At 830 I feel some intense pressure and call in my nurse. I've completed dilating and her head is coming fast. My mom and dad had JUST left so we call them back and they rush back! My mom runs down to the room and makes it just in time to watch me push at 9:10. 2 mins later, Harper is born! I didn't tear at all!!!!! She was 8lb 12oz just like big sister and 19 inches long 😍
Things started getting scary. I begin to hemorrhage and lost a pint of blood. They have me sign a consent form for surgery and 20 nurses and doctors start running in and out of the room! I'm on oxygen and fading in and out. I lost all color in my skin, I'm not doing so well. They placed a balloon in my uterus and inflated it so they can keep an eye on my bleeding and if it continues, I'll have to have an emergency D&C. So far, so good. I'll have to stay at least one night, probably more, to make sure everything is ok with Harper and I.