scared...of disappointment

Okay. Advice....I have a lot of medical issues. I'm talking a bunch. I've always been told I couldn't have kids because of my cystic fibrosis and blah blah. But when I was 17 I got pregnant with my first, at 21 my second. Due to rape, I had an abortion (pill) (sorry if that ruffles some feathers) divorced years ago from my kids father. I am now 28, met the man of my dreams. He has two kids with his ex wife, and we decided we wanted to try for our own. We've had sex, unprotected for the year and a half we've been together, no birth control because of a clot I had in my liver years ago. Anywho, I'm having crazy symptoms. My sense of smell is super strong, I am nauseated in the morning, and at night, my period is as of now 2 days late, regular sex is the only things that keeps my period regular which happens quite frequently (sometimes 2-3 times a day) my taste buds changed slightly. My breasts feel heavy but not tender and I can't tell nipple change Cause I tan (about to leave for vacation). Ive had way more dishcarge that is white and I don't know if it's thick because I don't touch it. I have twinges in what feels like my uterus, but it could be my bladder, oh and I've been peeing more. I bought another test but I'm so scared to take it for the disappointment. Because I have done this over th years....I also have had a runny nose with no infection or color to it, and today my legs started aching so bad I was crying and had a slight fever!! Help??