growth spurt cluster feeding?

So Friday my LO slept pretty much all day, I was waking her up to eat and she would go back to sleep. Yesterday she was normal in the morning, ate awake for a little bit, back to sleep but from 4pm-10pm she literally had to be on the boob the entire time, literally the only break I would get would be when I change her diaper. At about 10pm she went to sleep and slept til about 2:30, she nursed for maybe 5/10 minutes went back to sleep until 6 and did the same, nurse for about 5/10 mins then went back to sleep until about 11am. Since then she has been wanting nothing but boob so for the past 3 hours or so Iv been nursing her. She doesn't seem in pain when she fusses and she shows hunger cues like rooting, her paci only satisfies her for a few mins. Iv also noticed that since last
Night although she has had plenty of wet diapers she hasn't had any poopy diapers (she did have a lot during her cluster feed period last night, each diaper was poop and a lot) does this sounds like a growth spurt? Low supply? Or something else?