Baby Daddy Help

Hi everyone hope you're well! I found out this past week that I'm unexpectedly four weeks pregnant. Needless to say it was a shock to me... Though I felt it immediately. 
After countless test I decided the best thing would be to tell the father of the baby, my ex who lives in another state across the country. We broke up about a year ago prior to that we're together for about a year and a half. Broke up due to simple differences in our day-to-day lives. 
Yet, here I am pregnant with his baby. When I told him yesterday, he immediately requested that I go to the doctor for confirmation which I did. he was incredibly shocked, told me he wasn't ready, wanted me to get all of my options and seemed very conflicted. 
I haven't heard from him all today, I reached out and he said he wanted to maybe talk later... In this situation should I just leave him alone? knowing that I have no expectations of him helping me. Can anyone lead me in the right direction or give me some clarity?