Feeling low and lost

Lindsey • IVF miracle born 12/11/2018, surprise baby #2 due August 2021!
I hate to write a negative post like this but there's a part of me that hopes if I just put my feelings out there I'll be able to let go and keep moving on. We've been TTC since Dec 2015 and still have yet to get our BFP. I'm feeling so frustrated and sad this month. AF is due the 30th, but I don't have any strong symptoms so I'm pretty sure this won't be our month either. I just want to feel our baby in my belly, to make room in our home for a tiny little human, and to see my husband as a father. I'm so tired of waiting and being disappointed every month even though we've done everything when and how we're supposed to. I never expected just the TRYING to be so consuming of all my emotions, energy, and time.