On Sept 22nd @ 7:15am my water broke as I was getting ready for my doctors appointment

On Sept 22nd @ 7:15am my water broke as I was getting ready for my doctors appointment. By this time I was 39 weeks pregnant and due on that Sunday, needless to say I was so ready to meet my baby. Initially when my water broke I wasn't sure that's what happened with this being my first pregnancy but sure enough it was. Once I got to the hospital and settled in the contractions started but they weren't super intense or unbearable, BREATHING IS KEY!!!! As time went on and hours later I was not dilating past one and my cervix was posterior which made it very uncomfortable to check my dilation. After receiving Pitocin I began to not only dilate but those contractions REALLY kicked in! I had opted for the IV pain medication first because I didn't want to risk having an epidural and I have severe scoliosis. By around 2am my doctor checked me me and it was time to push! At exactly 2:10am I gave birth to my beautiful son weighing 6lbs and 14 ounces. I'm so happy to be a new mommy and so blessed he was delivered safe and sound!😍