Birth Story.... Sorry, veeeery long

Cristina • wife & mama 😍👪
Just wanted to share my birth story with other momma's/moms-to-be. Due date was September 19, 2016, went to Dr's appointment on September 9 and Dr. asked if I was ok with starting induction midnight 9/14, induction was scheduled. I had gestational diabetes so the main concern was babys size. We packed everything Wednesday 9/14 and head out at 11:30PM, arrive at hospital to L&D nurses hung out until 1:30-1:40AM of 9/15. At around 1:40AM nurse inserts Cervidil (I was only about 1.5cm before this point). Start to get some cramping at around 3AM, nurse says Dr. will be in around 7ishAM then they will check my progress. By 6AM contractions are pretty strong and consistent, called nurse and asked for some medication to calm the intensity a little after this point I pretty much slept till before lunch time when Dr. finally came in, by that point the contractions were back to back and pain was at about a 10. Dr checked for dilation and I was about 4cm at that point with just Cervidil. I decided to get epidural at that point which was inserted at around 1:40PM after that I was able to finally rest and slept on and off pretty much until 6PM (as far as I can remember). At 6 nurse comes in and says I'm 9cm but baby was facing wrong way so his head was not in canal. They brought in a birthing ball layed about an hour to try and get baby to swith position, and around 7PM she says I'm ready to push. Baby boy was born at 8:30PM 8lbs 1oz and 20in long. I was able to hold him a few mins, after holding him I don't remember much as I had a hemmorhage and was sent to OR shortly after birth. Had a D&C was under concious sedation so I remember bits and pieces of that. After being brought back to room husband and my mom where there with baby but I was in and out didn't fully wake up until next morning 9/16 finally was able to hold baby and breastfeed. Couple hours later was informed that I had major blood loss, and a few hours later had a blood transfusion (I initially declined). Finally got moved to recovery that same night 9/16 around 7PM and sent home afternoon of 9/17. Even with all the pain and complications I would do it over if I had to, I wouldn't trade this experience for anything and I'm am so grateful for my husband and moms support. I am so in love with my baby boy and new family!!!