Baby Boy


So after 19 days of being a mommy and trying to adjust, I am ready to share my story. Sorry it is a bit long.

So first time mom, but second baby. First baby, I was in a bad situation and adopted to my older sister, who at the time couldn't have kids. That is another story on its own.

With my second little man.. I had been having a ton of contractions for 2 weeks before he was born, but my OB told me they weren't really that progressive since I was only dialated to a 2 and 80% effaced. So I worked up till the day, 40wk 1day, that I had a ton of contractions, very hard and about 3 to 4 mins apart. My husband came home early and took me in to be checked at the hospital. I got checked in and my nurse told me I hadn't progressed at all. She said since I was having my contractions she would call my OB, since she was on call that day, and see what she would like us to do. In the meantime though to walk the halls of the hospital for about an hour. We walked the halls and when we returned my nurse explained that my OB said we could induce me today, since previously we had to do the same.

So my OB broke my water and started me on pitocin at 7:45 pm, Sept 6th. I got my epidural around midnight and we drifted in/out of sleep for a bit.

My labor pain was mainly in my back and got even worse, to the point of me crying and screaming at my husband to get the nurse, after only a couple of hours. My poor husband was like, with your blood pressure at 182/95 they will be in soon. He wasn't sure what to do. My nurse came in and had my husband help me by pushing on my knees when a contraction came, to help with the pain. These things they do teach in birthing classes, but who remembers those when your in so much pain!

The anesthesiologist came in and gave me a concentrated shot of meds, because the epidural wasn't working. This all was around 2:30 am.

The nurse checked me and I was dialated to a 5. I was able to relax to a point after that but contractions got worse about 40 mins afterwards.. My nurse checked me and sure enough baby was coming, I was at a 10 and Dr was next door delivering, so I had to wait a few minutes.

Baby's heart rate kept dropping with every contraction, so I got oxygen and rolled on my right side for a time.

At 4:30 OB came in and baby was crowning, after about 10 minutes and about 3 pushes, Baby Jarick was born.

Born at 4:47 am, on Sept 7th. 8 lbs 4 ozs, 19.5 inches long.