9 weeks postpartum

So on the day before my daughter was born my family and I walked about 6 miles. I was having contractions on and off but didn't want to be sent home. I'm a FTM and have heard the stories. So around 11pm we decided okay let's go, I had the feeling that I needed to bear down. We get to the hospital and the nurse I had was horrible. I was checked by a doctor who said I was 5-6 cm, that horrible nurse however said I was 4. Well I stood up and felt a gush and I said I think my water broke, that nurse was like I don't think so. Fast forward, 6 hours I was still awaiting my epidural. Around 5:30 am the CRNA finally gave me an epidural (up until this point no one had checked my progress). 5 min after the epidural they checked me and it was time to push. 8:28 baby girl was born. My cervix was torn, I had tears on both vaginal walls and a premium tear. The placenta was stuck so they were kinda rough gettjng it out. I ended up in the operating room to stop the bleeding.