Baby leaking out of his cheeks?

Curry • I'm 30 have 2 boys, they’re 10 and 5 and my daughter is 3 months. I’ve been with my husband for 8 years. 2 dogs, 2 rabbits and a bunch of fishies. I like kayaking and camping but don’t do either nearly enough

Hey all! Just a question....

So my 7 month old for the past month or so (but gotten worse in the last 2 weeks) Will fuss like he's hungry, so we give him a bottle and he will go to eat and he puts his bottle in and he just let's majority of the contents just pour out of his cheeks. I'm not sure he's had much more than a couple of Oz in a feeding during this time. At this point in his development he makes it clear when he's not hungry, as in he'll seal his lips and look away. We have used majority of all bottles out there and it's all the same. We've even given him a step one sippy cup and it's the same result. Dr.Google wasn't helpful in the least.