Nothing natural about my birth story😑

Kayley • 24 years old, I have a little boy who’s 4 and I’m TTC my second baby!! 👶🏻
I had my son on the 25th of June 2016, I got induced and it took 3 days for anything to happen, I had to stay in the hospital due to complications. Finally on the Saturday they broke my waters and put drip in to bring on contractions. This was at 4pm, the pain started like strong period cramps, they got stronger and stronger which took a little while. They told me they don't examine you till 6 hours after having drip in, it was 11pm and they examined me, I was 7cm dilated, I said I couldn't handle the pain anymore and needed some medication, then suddenly my baby's heart rate dropped from 160 to 60. The midwife pushed the emergency button and 5 doctors came rushing in, they examined me and i was now 10cm and needed emergency forceps, they gave me episiotomy and placed forceps on my baby's head, they told me to push, I pushed through 2 contractions and my beautiful baby boy was here at 11.26pm. I tore in several places and lost over a litre of blood and required blood transfusion. I stayed in the hospital for a further 2 nights, I felt hopeless. I couldn't do anything for my son, I had catheter in and blood transfusion in my arm, I felt like a useless mother, my labour and birth was so unnatural, I wanted to go into labour myself, I wanted to push my baby out by myself, nothing went to plan but in the end I got my gorgeous 7lbs 13oz baby boy who was healthy and alive, I named him Zayden, he is my world and my one and only, even though my birth was traumatic for me. I would do it all over again for a precious baby to be in my life. My beautiful boy is now 3 months old and I couldn't be happier❤️❤️❤️