Wondering if I might be pregnant...

So I'm wondering if I might be pregnant. Husband and I have not been "trying" but not trying not to either... had unprotected sex mid august on what was likely my ovulation date. Period came a week late and was shorter. Lighter and almost zero cramps or discomfort or normal pms stuff. Usually I am faint, in a lot of pain. Tired. Basically useless the first day. Very heavy flow. This time none of that... other than the actual flow I barely noticed I had it. Also on the morning it finally did start I had a sudden wave of nausea which I never ever have. And again a week or two later. Once I got my period I assumed I wasn't pregnant... but odd feelings since then, plus the late and abnormal period have me wondering if I am... I've heard of people still having a period at he beginning... so since then I've had increased bloating but it feels different than usual bloating. More frequent bm's... feels like pushing on the area... been trying to track my ovulation to find out more about my cycle... I've been testing daily since before my predicted fertile period and haven't had a positive test which either means... tests are broken, I didn't ovulate at all, I ovulated super early, or I didn't ovulate because I'm already pregnant! Pregnancy tests however, are negative. That being said, my mom tested positive at home but negative for doctors blood and urine tests for her entire pregnancy!

I've also had a very heightened sense of smell and a sudden distaste for coffee. Yesterday the top and sides of my abdomen felt like they were being stretched like a pulled muscle but I didn't do anything to cause it... and a family member who didn't know anything about this, said I somehow looked pregnant but not a bump.... before the late period.

anyway I'm wondering if anyone has any personal experiences that relate.

I'm probably going to go check in with a doctor this week