It all started on the 26th at 5

Chantelle • First light joined me 20.09.11. Second light joined me 26.09.16
It all started on the 26th at 5.15am.. I woke feeling a few trickles knowing I hadn't peed myself I waited and got up, contractions started at 6am and were close but irregular, 7.30 came and I got our son up, showered and we walked him to school for 9am, organised someone to watch him for a couple hours while we sorted with my dad to pick him up and phoned the hospital. We arrived at the maternity unit at 11.30am, got checked and found I was only 4cms dilated, after 6 hours of contractions. I asked for gas and air and they told me I be as well go to the labor ward and get sorted there - at 12.30 me, my mum and baby daddy walked through to lw and I had to stop 3times due to close contractions.. I told then I needed gas and air cause I was really struggling to cope. So I got gas and air and it helped for a start. Only taking it when a contraction started then my spd flared up and I began questioning my midwife about what's next if I can't cope she mentioned morphine which I had with my first but didn't want to try with second due to drowsiness. Crack on to 3.30pm and I start getting really intense ones and feeling like pushing on my bum so I sit on a commode and suck the gas and air as any movement I made made me feel horrid. 4pm the midwife asks me to climb back onto yhe bed, stirrups up to push on and handles there to support myself and I feel the pushing happening so I slow my breathing down not using gas and air so much until I really need it. Burning sensation and bulging with not more than 4 pushes and 15 minutes later my darling little princess has arrived! Tears streaming down mine and my mums face, I can't believe after being in labor all day she is here haha. My son(5) comes home tomorrow and meets his sister for the first time after a looooong 9 month wait! I cannot wait! ❤❤❤❤