Can I possibly STILL be pregnant????

So I'm going to be honest and say I had an abortion, it was a hard choice to make and I mostly did it because I was having two babies. When they did the ultrasound Baby 1 was 9 weeks and Baby 2 was 6 weeks. They were about 3 weeks apart literally. I conceived twice but not with actual twins. I went to Planned Parenthood cause my BF made me go and that's the US I found out I was having them, but I didn't go through with it. My BF convinced me otherwise this time I was 12 weeks exactly. They wanted to do a D&C but they ultimately did just a Suction Procedure. Which is where they just dilate and suction it out. OKAY THIS IS WHERE IT GETS CONFUSING, I didn't tell them I was having two babies. Because of the age difference only one baby showed in the US. This was 3 months ago which would make me 6 months with Baby 1 but just 5 months with Baby 2. I keep feeling more and more pregnant not less, my hair keeps growing really fast, I get heartburn, varicose veins in my legs, swollen ankles and feets, wider nose, my linea negra got darker. The most mysterious thing is that I FEEL BABY MOVEMENTS THAT REACT TO STIMULI. For example I told my BF I think this and at night when I go to bed as I'm falling asleep he'll rub or tap random parts of my body and I'll feel something move. I feel rolls and kicks and it'll shift from my back to my pelvis to my stomach. At first I thought this can't be possible because I'm not showing but I think I just popped. My belly just won't go away! I thought it was just bloating but now it won't go down. And even people on the street have things to say. Me and my BF are young, 20 and 26 so usually its criticism like OMG she's pregnant *giggle giggle* But IDK if I STILL am. Here's a pic so you can see. I really don't want any judgement and no I'm not crazy I want to know before its too late to give my baby the best or to know if it's something else.. I have known two people who are survivors of abortion... I also keep getting positive HPT but negative blood, weird, right? 
I'm meant to be skinny so this odd that I have such a pouch, it has gotten bigger since after the abortion. My bump was shaped higher from the start. I also have hyperthyroid issues so I don't know why it's getting bigger. I don't overeat. Btw my stomach is super hard. All this stays like this throughout the day.