breastfeeding mamas input needed pleaseeeee!

I am a first time mom and I am breastfeeding my daughter, I make a good amount of milk (I assume lol) cause my daughter has been gaining the appropriate amount of weight and she always gets enough when she nurses however I am going back to work in a month and I'm trying to pump to build up a supply so she will still get breast milk while I'm back at work.
I am only seeming to be able to pump 3 ozs a day, which is not enough for a supply, I have tried power pumping but I did not seem to really build my milk up, so my friend suggested Fenugreek capsules and also I seen online mothers milk tea, I'm just looking for any other breastfeeding moms who can give me their opinions on any of these products if tried and how it worked or what other moms are doing to increase their milk supply. Any input helps! Thanks in advance!!