feeling different

Hey all.  I'm 23 + 3 with di/di twins, FTM.  Went Tuesday for my cervix to be measured and everything was great.  I'm low risk for preterm labor.  But they gave me a list of things to lookout for, and...
This morning, and throughout the day, I've just felt different.  Like bloated/pressure.  It almost feels like I have a tampon in sometimes.  It's very difficult to explain the feeling.  It's not painful or alarming.  I'm wondering if they changed position and maybe that explains the change in pressure?  No change in mucus/discharge. No pain.  Nothing contraction like, but it's so different that I'm just being cautious. 
Anyone else experience this?  Obviously if I feel like it gets serious I'll call the doctor.  Just don't have anything to compare it to as these are my first.  
Thanks ladies!