i'm not a mom, but sometimes I have dreams about my kids.

My husband and I have been TTC for four years. I've had 2 miscarriages and have recently stopped ttc while I lose weight. I've lost around 100 lbs and will start again soon. 
Sometimes, when in feeling really down, like I don't know if we will ever have a family...
It happens.
For the night, for just a few minutes, I have a family. I always see the same little person with my husband and I--- a little girl named Ella. I'm not particularly fond of that name or set on that name in any way, so it is interesting for me to see that's her name in EVERY dream I have had. In the dreams I have taken her to birthday parties, on vacations, and held her close.
I am making this anonymous because I'm sure it could seem really creepy but I don't feel like it is.
Does anyone decipher dreams..?