Was it really wrong or no?

OK so I had a "best friend" and me and her like close IG you can say. Well I was going out with someone and she knew about me and him. She would always be with him wearing hes jacket and everything I didn't like that like at all. Then she started going out with my friend who liked me since we were 12 and were both 16 now . my boyfriend and my friend didn't get along. My friend started texting me and calling me baby and sending pics. And I showed my best friend friend and she told her that I was trying to steal him alway from her like wtf. After that me and her hated each other I still do to this day. And she started talking shit calling me and bitch and hoe so I showed her one. I took her bf away from her and then broke up with him and he still wants me. He only went out with her cause he couldn't have me he said it himself. So was it really wrong??