It's 8:45 AM....

-Why am I wasting my time talking to you? You distgust me so much. 
- You guys, I woke this morning to this red painful hill on the right side of my face... I hate pimples so much. The last time I had a pimple this size was middle school. I went to the bathroom and please tell me why I had an argument with this pimple and told it that it was messing with my face? I took a shower and put a very warm cloth on my face to open the pors and washed my face with my face wash. I finished by applying a cold, new cloth to my facw to help the pores close.... I then put some oil-free moisturizer on and had a stare down with this pimple that I named cuz he's gonna be around for a few days.
-This is how I seriously just started my sunday.... Omg.