Would I look good in this style?

Okay. So, I have a lot to say .-. I'm only 15 but I've been obsessed with this alternative-ish style ever since about 4th/5th grade. I guess I just want to know if I have the right face/body for it. It's kinda anime/grunge inspired I guess? I'm intrigued by the balance between light and dark, like all blacks but super pale, washed out colors. I love sweaters, tank tops, short skirts, skinnies, etc. I'm about 5'9-5'10, and somewhere between 120-130 lbs. Please, pleeeease don't say I will look good in whatever, I want brutally honest opinions! Don't be mean to eachother though please. Bra here's some pics of me: 
 And some of my inspirations: 

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