I feel trapped...

These last couple of weeks have been really difficult. I haven't been feeling my best and on top of all these random symptoms (diarrhea, nausea, lightheartedness) I've been having very painful Braxton Hicks. I'm supposed to be 37 weeks today according to the doctor and at 5 am this morning I started experiencing very sharp pain in my upper uterus. Usually I would call and ask for help, but the last time I went to L&D they told me I was wasting their time and to not return until I was incapable of talking and walking. 8 hours later and I'm still in severe pain. I've tried taking my prescribed heart burn medication, I've taken gas medication. Drank water, ate something. I've even tried moving around and nothing helps... but I can walk and I can still talk so I don't want to waste their time...