Sick and miserable

Any other mommies out there dealing with a horrible cold? I've been suffering for 6 days now, and I have no idea how much longer it'll last. It's the absolute worst cold I have ever experienced. Coughing up yellow and green phlegm, stuffy nose, post-nasal drip, waking up and gagging on mucus, throwing up, and no end in sight. I have never had this much mucus with a cold before!
I've been drinking mint honey lemon tea (no caffeine), got a humidifier, taking cough drops, tried breathing in hot water steam, drinking lots of water, taking vitamins with extra vitamin C every day, Neti pot for saline rinses of my nose, basically everything I can think of. Only thing I haven't turned to is over the counter cold medicines. I'm trying to get through this naturally (as long as it doesn't harm the baby). 
Anyone else experiencing this? Have you tried anything that helped you get better faster?