ovulated on cycle day 8?

Anybody have this before?  I am new to charting.  Last month, according to glow and my bbt I ovulated on CD 16 (28-29 day cycle normally).  I thought that was rather late.  Anyways, this month it appears to glow and my bbt that I ovulated on CD 8?  Which I feel is rather early.  I know that cycles fluctuate but I really just need some advice or some acknowledgment for other women who have had this.  I took a digital opk today just to see, bc I figured if I was coming up on a second temp increase (ovulation) I may get high fertility, however it was low, which to me means it did indeed already happen.  Please any help or affirmation on this would be amazing!  Thank you in advance 💙. Posting a photo of last cycle and then a photo of this cycle.... 
Ok well I wanted to update.  I'm even more confused now!  I hit peak fertility today (CD 13-14) which puts me right in line to ovulate on CD 15-16 like last month....however my temps are whacky!!  I do them same time every day with 6+ hours of sleep.  I am just curious as to why my temps are not matching my opk.  Anyways... I guess I didn't ovulate on CD8-9.....???   Here is true newest chart....  
* the newest chart