help? wtf do I do?!

Ellie • ❤️6.26.13❤️ ❤️7.7.16❤️
Ladies I need some help. So I'm still a teen and I have a boyfriend of 3 years. His mom used to love me but she recently found out about out "sexualness" together 😂 so she basically found out that her son is no longer a virgin ...
And she now hates me. I know that I may just have to wait it out until she realizes that her son is becoming more mature and whatnot but I used to be SO close with his mom. I want that back as soon as I possibly can. Any suggestions as to what I can do to start talking to her again and to get her to like me again? I've started trying to communicate with her again but it's not the same. I don't look as innocent in her eyes anymore. I really don't know what to do ... especially brocade I see a future with her son and don't exactly want to end up with a mother in law that hates me ... ?!??!?